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Let Shell Energy help you maximize profits and mitigate risk

From beginning to end of the generation process, Shell Energy delivers tailored solutions to help you reach your financial goals. Generators benefit from our expertise within the gas and power industries, receiving valuable insights on load variations, market intelligence on pricing, and accurate updates on system requirements and issues.

We have the capacity to transport over 10 billion cubic feet of natural gas across our extensive North American trading network. Through asset management agreements, our trading specialists optimize the use of our customers’ existing fuel supply and transportation contracts while ensuring all daily operational fuel needs are met. Our energy professionals will also structure energy management agreements and tolling arrangements to help you capitalize on your full generation capacity.

Power offtake and fuel supply solutions

Shell Energy can help you ensure optimal production with offtake and fuel supply solutions including:

         •  Power for gas swaps
         •  Heat rate call options
         •  Spark spread
         •  Energy and asset management services

Whether you’re looking for flexible terms, a more diversified clean energy supply or physical and financial risk management solutions, we have the scale and bench strength to deliver today and help set you up for success in the future.